Factory Rider

Advertising + XD

Problem: Established and create a system to increase products sales for an Ebay Store Company.

Process: The process begins with an exploratory research of the Factory Rider Ebay Store and it’s competitors. Factory Rider is an Ebay Store who sale products for dirt bikes, such as graphics and seat cover, among others. From the research I could identify some issues that they could be improve in order to increase those sales. The first issue was the no inclusion of the logo of the company in the store. The second issue found was the inconsistency between the product ads. Some listing ads show other kind of picture and information, and other listing ads show other picture and information. Finally, and the most important issue found and to solve, was the sales increase between all the products that my client offers.

Solution: The first thing was the integration of the Factory Rider logo on the Ebay Store and on all the products. As well, create an eye catching web banner for the Store, in order to show the type of product and market that Factory Rider offer to their actual and future customers. The second thing was established a consistency template to show the listing ads. The proposal was the integration to each listing at least 4 pictures depending on the product, such as close up pictures of the products, the product on the bike, specifications of the products, and in some cases the product in the package. With this way customers can see the product in their environment and without their environment (dirt bikes) and know what they are buying. Also known the principal specifications of the product, such as type of material of the product, what comes with the product and the manufacture of the product. Finally I design and coded an html template for the Store in order to increase the sales. Using XD parameters, I design and coded an html template to make the sales experience better. The template has three parts. In the first part show the bike with the product. The second part shows the specifications of the product and a picture of the product. As well, the second part has two links, and both offers matching product for that bike. The third part shows a video of the product or other picture of the bike, depending on the product, and a link to the Ebay Store. With this template the customer can find matching products for their bikes easily, and in the same way increase the sales of Factory Rider, because, customers has the possibility to buy two or more products, instead of one.

> Click here to see Factory Rider Ebay Shop.